To share a little bit about our background, let’s discuss what we do for a moment at Sawcutting Specialties. Like when purchasing tires for your vehicle, the tire specialist will first ask what type of vehicle, car, pick up truck or a large truck you will have and ask about your terrain and weather applications, as each one will not only have different sizes, tread and ply specifications based on the required weight it will carry and your expected usage.
For the same reason, it is impossible for the same diamond core drill bit or saw blade to perform well on every material such as hard rock, asphalt, brick, block, sandstone, soft stone, hard stone, soft concrete, hard concrete, pre-cast concrete, concrete with heavy re-bar, etc. Furthermore, it is also equally impossible for it to work well on a small horse powered tool, or a large horse powered machine, similarly to the tire specifications. On top of this, what cuts the soft coral aggregate in Hawaii well does not cut the granite river rock aggregate in the West. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way. We are your consultant to help you determine the correct tool application and bond hardness for you. Also, we are one of the very few, diamond tool firms that can easily offer you the matrix bond choice for your specific area and project situation referring to what was just discussed. That is what we do and that is why we are here. Anyone can sell cheap blades on Amazon or E-bay, but I challenge you to find one that can offer any resources or support besides just cheap blades.
Hello, I am Stan Gunn, President of Sawcutting Specialties, Inc. I would like to share my background with you to acquaint you with our company and service. To start, I have been directly or indirectly in the diamond tool business since 1973. Initially, I worked for two years at E.J. Longyear Company, the largest mining and soils exploration and equipment manufacturer at that time. During this time, I became familiar with the process of diamond drilling, core retrieval and diamond saw cutting. From there, I moved to the concrete cutting industry, I started on the break and removal crew, with dump trucks, Bobcats and pneumatic paving breakers. By 1977, I was operating a combination Wall and Hand Saw/Core Drill/Slab Saw truck.
In those days, power was provided by 115 volt and 230 volt, and 185 to 250 CFM air compressors. How things have changed. I did well in the cutting industry and thrived for a Dozen Years cutting concrete. I have drilled many large diameter, and deep holes, some penetrating reservoir pools with a 30″ diameter hole, near 30 feet thick. 1989, the twilight of my cutting career, was spent as an Owner/Manager of four branch offices of a concrete cutting company, and I was also very involved in many projects. I estimated and Project Managed numerous large jobs, many in excess of a Half Million Dollars. My specialty was Highway/Runway “saw & seal” type, and other Industrial Work such as modifications to Dams, Nuclear Power Plants, Mines, Military and Agricultural Sites. This work was primarily thick wall and opening cutting with the use of large diameter wall saw blades and Wire Saws.
In 1996, I established Sawcutting Specialties, Inc. in a spare bedroom and the garage of my home. I had a small inventory of diamond blades. I cold called and made deliveries to customers. Besides sales, I also rebuilt and re-segmented diamond core bits. Since then we have grown immensely, relocated three times and now operate in Garden City, Idaho within a 6,000 square foot facility.
We provide diamond and related products from nearly fifty vendors. We also warrant and repair tools and equipment, and specialize in re-tipping of diamond bits and blades. We sell locally to walk in customers, maintain and deliver to commercial accounts, and sell across the nation. We have customers from Maine to Hawaii. We have sold to the Georgia State Transportation Dept. and to the Alaska Dept of Geological Services. We ship daily by UPS, US Postal Service, and motor carrier.
Within this thirty-six year run, I have purchased millions of dollars worth of diamonds and equipment. I have made many friends and contacts, and have acquired numerous dealerships and deep discounts. In summary, after collecting everything I have gained, I have come up with the following list of products and services we offer. PRODUCTS, INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE, SUPPORT, CHOICE, DISCOUNTS. That is our business, that is what we sell and that is what we offer you.
We are a small company in comparison to the other global and national competitors, and we do not have the cash resources to provide the exposure the others may provide. Consequently the only thing we have to offer is knowledgeable and accurate service that cannot be provided by the larger conglomerates, because once they reach a certain volume level, products become part numbers, and representatives become “Habib” from India. We have successfully been offering these products and services for Twenty-eight years. Even with larger global and national competitors buying for less, making more per sale, and making large profits on volume, where are their specifications, tech support, choice, experience, and knowledge? And how do you really gain from ordering from a keypad operator with a headset? You don’t when you buy tires.
Support your local markets, whether it be saw blades or clothing. If this country keeps relying on the cheapest outsourced product money can buy, that will be the only choice we will have. All quality, resources and specialized products will be gone, because nobody can make a living selling products that nobody buys. Instead, your only choice will be that lead painted, half pot metal/half plastic, out of balance, disposable, battery operated, electric nose trimmer, that smells like Harbor Freight. All of the bike shops, the tailors, small hardware/lumber stores, repair shops, health food, and specialty markets will disappear. Then who will fix your sewing machine? Walmart? Yeah right.
Thank you for visiting,
Stan Gunn
Address: 4224 W. Chinden Blvd.
Garden City, ID 83714
Phone: 208-381-0328
Toll-Free: 888-795-0777